What are the different view modes?

modifications, 3D, 2D, layer, plan, verify, create, plan key
Written by Visuary
Updated 5 days ago

Different view modes are available on the application's interface, in the lower right corner :



differential view  A differential view, with a colour system to be able to view changes made   to  the plan
plan  A plan view, to see all the detailed elements of the plan, and modify them   easily
2D  A top-down 2D view, to get an overview of the entire layout   
3D  A dynamic 3D view, allowing you to navigate 360° within the space     
first_person_view  A first-person view, for an immersive tour of the space


You also have a layer system that allows you to hide certain elements of the plan to focus more easily on others.

For example, you can choose to hide furniture to concentrate solely on equipment and the electrical plan.

Dimension lines are also displayable on your 2D plan.
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